Reclaim Your Passion and Purpose

Burnout Boot Camp

In Burnout Boot Camp you will design a personalized strategy for reclaiming your passion and purpose and living a life you love.

Gets Started April 15

Daily Live Sessions - All Recorded - designed to give you all the tools for your breakthrough!

Burnout is a real thing... you are not making it up and you cannot do nothing and wait for it to get better...

The World Health Organization (WHO) now places burnout in its International Classification of Diseases diagnostic manual. It’s no longer just a stress syndrome but rather “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.”

Feelings of energy depletion or mental exhaustionIncreased mental distance or negative feelings toward your chosen careerReduced professional productivity

You are a professional, you have a career, a steady paycheck, supportive friends and family.

On the outside it would appear you’ve got it all together.

On the inside, you are thinking

"I don't think I can do this much longer".

You’ve done the company resilience program, talked to employee assistance, gone to therapy, taken medication for anxiety and to help you sleep, you listen to podcasts and webinars, go to the gym, walks in the forest, took some time off....

None of it worked, not sustainably anyway.

Research confirms it, it is not you. It is not your fault.

You can do all the things, but if you go right back to the same environment

that is causing the problem - all of the symptoms come right back:




feeling of uselessness





lack of focus


difficulty sleeping


digestive issues

over eating, over drinking

blood pressure problems

and the list goes on...

It all comes flooding right back.

You find yourself standing in the supply room, staring at the a wall of supplies... “What the hell am I doing here?

I wonder what would happen if I just walked out?”

"There has to be more than this. Something better...”


Madeleine Kerkhof, RNret, CA,AED,MT,ACS

Madeleine is a former RN, Clinical Aromatherapist, Aromatherapy Educator, Massage Therapist and AquaCare Specialist. She is founder, CEO and Senior Educator of Kicozo, global Knowledge Institute for Integrative & Complementary (Nursing) Care.

Madeleine is a highly respected expert and world renowned educator in Clinical Aromatherapy (AromaCare), AquaCare and other complementary therapies, specialised in the care for the frailest patients and elderly, in oncology, in palliative and end of life care. Madeleine is a member and advisor to the Dutch Nurses Society and Palliactief (NL), of the American Holistic Nurse Association, AIA (where she is in the education committee), NAHA (and approved educator), IAAMA, IFPA, EONS, EAPC. She is also a Fellow of ICAN, the International Clinical Aromatherapy Network.

Madeleine is the author of many papers and the highly acclaimed books: “Complementary Nursing in End of Life Care” (2015), “CO2 Extracts in Aromatherapy, 50+ Extracts for Clinical Applications” (2018), and Clinical AromaCare – Aromatherapy for Clinic and Practice (2020 in Dutch). She is also the author of Dutch national guidelines on aromacare and aquacare in palliative and cancer care.

Her new book AromaCare in Health Care is expected by May 2023.

Madeleine teaches at Kicozo’s campus in The Netherlands where she heads a team of tutors. Kicozo is accredited by the Dutch Board of Nursing Quality.

She is a guest teacher for some of the best schools for Aromatherapy and Integrative Medicine & Nursing in the world. She travels the world and also offers online programs, offering safe and science based (continuing) education, to train nurses and health care professionals in clinical aromatherapy (AromaCare), and other clinical complementary (nursing) techniques to enhance quality of life for patients and their loved ones.

You have what it takes to be the CEO of your own life, you own license.

Burnout Bootcamp will give you the tools, evidence based data, and community support - to break free of burnout for good.

I know what it is like if you stay in this for very long - thinking that you will just handle it -

I also know what it is like to break free!

You deserve a total breakthrough, leaving burnout behind you - for good.

You may be thinking,

"I don't need one more thing to do"

I've got you! I have designed this time to be less like a course and more like a retreat!

As a Coach, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, trained in Mindfulness and Breath Work, I am ready to give you the power tools to manage all the symptoms of burnout!

All of this - for Only $37!

Burnout Boot Camp Starts Soon!

Save your Spot!

Juli Reynolds


Juli is the Founder and Personal Growth Coach at Reimagine Wellness, LLC

In our 10 day intensive, you will have access to all the tools to design an effective strategy to navigate the demands of your workplace

(because while it is tempting to just quit,

you may need that income - right?!)

Even more importantly, you will create your uniquely designed life to recharge, refuel and reclaim what matters.

You will take on a journey of discovery that will empower you to love the life you live, and the work you do
(whether you decide to stay where you are or not).

An intentional and intuitive strategy
for optimizing your overall well-being.

Discovering your passion and purpose, values, vision and voice. You can love the work you do and the life you live! You owe it to yourself!

Get Signed up Today - Don't miss it!