Feelings of energy depletion or mental exhaustionIncreased mental distance or negative feelings toward your chosen careerReduced professional productivity
You are a professional, you have a career, a steady paycheck, supportive friends and family.
On the outside it would appear you’ve got it all together.
On the inside, you are thinking
"I don't think I can do this much longer".
You’ve done the company resilience program, talked to employee assistance, gone to therapy, taken medication for anxiety and to help you sleep, you listen to podcasts and webinars, go to the gym, walks in the forest, took some time off....
None of it worked, not sustainably anyway.
Research confirms it, it is not you. It is not your fault.
You can do all the things, but if you go right back to the same environment
that is causing the problem - all of the symptoms come right back:
feeling of uselessness
lack of focus
difficulty sleeping
digestive issues
over eating, over drinking
blood pressure problems
and the list goes on...
It all comes flooding right back.
You find yourself standing in the supply room, staring at the a wall of supplies... “What the hell am I doing here?
I wonder what would happen if I just walked out?”
Madeleine Kerkhof, RNret, CA,AED,MT,ACS
You have what it takes to be the CEO of your own life, you own license.
Burnout Bootcamp will give you the tools, evidence based data, and community support - to break free of burnout for good.
I know what it is like if you stay in this for very long - thinking that you will just handle it -
I also know what it is like to break free!
You deserve a total breakthrough, leaving burnout behind you - for good.
I've got you! I have designed this time to be less like a course and more like a retreat!
As a Coach, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, trained in Mindfulness and Breath Work, I am ready to give you the power tools to manage all the symptoms of burnout!
Save your Spot!
Juli is the Founder and Personal Growth Coach at Reimagine Wellness, LLC